How to Use MCT Oil for Weightloss

How to Use MCT Oil for Weightloss | Shed Pounds with Ease

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If you've been on the hunt for effective weight loss strategies, chances are you've come across the term 'MCT oil'.

But what exactly is it? And how can it help with weight loss?

Let's take a look at the science behind MCT oil and its potential benefits for weight management.

Rapid Response: Start with a small amount of MCT oil, such as 1 teaspoon, and gradually increase the amount over time. Add MCT oil to your morning coffee or tea, smoothie, or salad dressing to help you feel full and reduce your overall calorie intake.

Understanding MCT Oil

pouring MCT oil

MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, a type of fat that's processed differently by the body compared to other fats.

This unique processing mechanism is what makes MCT oil a popular supplement among fitness enthusiasts and those looking to shed some pounds.

Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are the main component of MCTs, and the most well-known of these is caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10).

  • These fatty acids have been shown to be easily absorbed by the body and quickly converted into ketones, a type of energy source that can help with weight loss.
  • MCT oil is a concentrated source of these medium-chain triglycerides and is typically derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

However, it's important to note that not all oils are created equal.

Take coconut oil, for instance.

While it's true that coconut oil contains MCTs, only about 50-60% of the fats in coconut oil are medium-chain triglycerides. The rest are long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which don't offer the same health benefits.

Palm kernel oil, on the other hand, has a similar MCT content to coconut oil but comes with its own set of environmental concerns, as its production often leads to deforestation and habitat destruction.

Then there's olive oil, which is primarily composed of long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). While LCTs have their own health benefits, they don't provide the quick energy boost that MCTs do.

So, why are MCTs so significant?

These unique fats are rapidly absorbed and metabolized by the liver, providing an immediate source of energy rather than being stored as fat.

Additionally, MCTs have been linked to several other health benefits, including improved brain function and gut health. But for the purpose of this article, we're going to focus on MCT oil's potential for aiding weight loss.

The Science Behind MCT Oil and Weight Loss

person on scale

Let's get straight to the point: how exactly can MCT oil help you lose weight?

The answer lies in the unique properties of medium-chain triglycerides.

MCTs are metabolized differently than other fats. Instead of being stored as body fat, they're quickly broken down and converted into energy.

This rapid metabolism not only provides you with an immediate energy boost but also increases your body's energy expenditure, meaning you burn more calories throughout the day even when you're at rest. (source)

But that's not all. MCT oil has another trick up its sleeve – it can help you feel fuller for longer.

A recent study found that participants who consumed MCT oil at breakfast ate significantly less food at lunch compared to those who consumed long-chain triglycerides. This decreased appetite can make it easier to maintain a calorie deficit, which is key for weight loss. (source)

Additionally, MCT oil can help regulate the release of hormones like peptide YY and leptin, which are responsible for signaling fullness to the brain. By influencing these appetite-suppressing hormones, MCT oil can help curb cravings and prevent overeating. (source)

MCT Oil vs Long Chain Triglycerides

illustration of LCT molecule

Now, you might be wondering why you should choose MCT oil over other oils that contain long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), like olive oil.

While LCTs do have their own health benefits, they don't offer the same advantages when it comes to weight management.

The main difference between MCTs and LCTs lies in how they are metabolized.

  • As we mentioned earlier, MCTs are rapidly absorbed and converted into energy, leading to increased energy expenditure.
  • LCTs, on the other hand, take longer to break down and are more likely to be stored as fat. (source)
  • Moreover, MCTs have been found to promote greater fat loss compared to LCTs when consumed in similar amounts. (source)

So, for those specifically looking to shed some pounds, MCT oil might be the better choice.

How to Use MCT Oil for Weight Loss

Now that we've covered the science behind MCT oil and its potential benefits for weight loss, let's talk about how you can incorporate it into your diet.

How much MCT oil do I need?

When starting with MCT oil, it's best to begin with a small amount to see how your body reacts.

A recommended starting dose is one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing to one to two tablespoons over time. This gradual increase can help prevent any potential digestive discomfort.

Adding MCT oil into your diet can be as simple as adding it to your morning coffee or smoothie.

Bulletproof coffee is the method I prefer because I don't usually eat breakfast. This will keep you satiated and energized for several hours. You can also replace coffee with tea or Dandy Blend if you're trying to avoid coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe


  • 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee
  • 1/3-2 tbsp MCT Oil
  • 1-2 tbsp grass-fed unsalted butter or ghee


  1. Brew 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee using Bulletproof coffee beans.
  2. Add 1/3-2 tbsp Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil and 1-2 tbsp grass-fed unsalted butter or ghee to the coffee.
  3. Blend the coffee, MCT oil, and butter in a blender until frothy.
  4. Pour the mixture into a mug and enjoy.

You can also use it as a salad dressing or drizzle it over your meals.

The key is to make sure it fits into your daily calorie intake and doesn't lead you to consume more calories than you burn.

While MCT oil offers several health benefits, it's important to remember that moderation is key. Consuming too much MCT oil can lead to digestive issues like diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort.

Additionally, because it's high in saturated fat, excessive consumption could potentially increase cholesterol levels.

The Role of Lauric Acid and Caprylic Acid in MCT Oil

MCT oil contains different types of medium-chain triglycerides, among which lauric acid and caprylic acid are two of the most commonly found.

  • Lauric acid, which makes up about half of the fatty acid content in coconut oil, has been shown to increase levels of "good" HDL cholesterol in the blood. It's also metabolized more slowly than other MCTs, providing a sustained energy source. (source)
  • Caprylic acid, on the other hand, is digested even more rapidly than lauric acid, providing a quick source of energy and potentially aiding in weight loss. (source)

Both of these MCTs can contribute to body fat reduction by increasing energy expenditure and promoting feelings of fullness. However, more research is needed to fully understand their impact on body weight and body fat.

How MCT Oil Affects Caloric Intake

One of the key ways MCT oil can aid weight loss is by influencing caloric intake.

As we've discussed, MCT oil has been shown to promote feelings of fullness, which can lead to a reduction in overall calorie consumption.

This is a critical factor in weight loss, as creating a calorie deficit β€” consuming fewer calories than you burn β€” is essential for shedding pounds.

In addition to helping you eat less, MCT oil can also increase your energy expenditure.

Remember, unlike long-chain triglycerides, MCTs are rapidly absorbed and converted into energy. This process leads to a rise in your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories even when you're not exercising.

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it! We've delved into the science behind MCT oil and its potential benefits for weight loss.

From its unique metabolic properties to its impact on feelings of fullness and hormone regulation, MCT oil offers several mechanisms that can support your weight loss journey.

Remember, though, that while taking MCT oil can be a powerful tool in your weight loss arsenal, it's not a magic bullet. It should be used as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. And as always, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

So why not give MCT oil a try?

Whether you add it to your morning coffee or drizzle it over your salad, you might just find it's the boost you need to kickstart your weight loss journey. Here's to a healthier, happier you!

Before You Go...

Get Lean And Strong With The Best MCT Oil for Keto!
Looking to slim down and tone up, then MCTs are a great choice for you. They help your body burn fat for energy and can boost your metabolism.
Boost Your Energy And Performance! Best MCT Oil Powder
Looking to get your hands on the best MCT oil powder around? Look no further, because we’ve got just what you’re looking for!
